Please note CVE Radar is still in pre-alpha state so many bugs, unfinished features, strange behavior or look will be experienced.

Monitor IT security vulnerabilities


"Designed by security administrators who did not want to end up in a psychiatric hospital while performing routine manual work or die of old age while waiting for information about security vulnerabilities from commonly available sources and tools."

Jakub Morávek, František Novák
CVE Radar creators


  • CVE Radar is database of information security vulnerabilities with ergonomic web user interface for quick and easy identification of security risks that may affect your personal or work equipment.
  • CVE Radar's database covers wide range or devices and IT applications you use wear, drive, use at home, in your work, while communicating with government offices and all other activities of your every day.
  • CVE Radar simplifies life of security specialists during daily operations or consulting missions.
  • CVE Radar uses data from publicly available sources, mainly National Vulnerability Database at

Why to Monitor

CVE Radar Workflow


CVE Radar Workflow

How it Works

CVE Radar Workflow


CVE Radar Workflow
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